To my dad, who has helped with all the not-so-fun parts and the fun parts
of this hobby, as well as the wonderful gifts to the car!
To my co-workers who have put up with my many, many broken deadlines of
when this thing would hit the road.
To Ken Maenner for getting me started with lots of conversion hardware,
frame rails, and countless other little stuff that's so important
To Dave Stepp for his machining expertise.
To the IZCC, the 240Z-club, and those wonderful members at for without their efforts, much
of the info I have used would not be known to me.
To Carl Beck, Jim Biondo, Wayne Burstein, Ross Corrigan, Paul Richer, Mike
Kelly, and countless others who have provided me with advice, ideas, and/or
parts over the years.
To my credit card company for all the free 25 day loans :).