Books, Forums, Articles, How-to's, & Reviews:
JTR Datsun Z Car V-8 Conversion(V8, Turbo V6, modified Z cars)
Installing a V8 into your Z, by Paul Richer
Race Car Modifications for the Datsun 240Z including information for a Ford V-8 Conversion, by Terry OxandalePersonal V8 Z Web Pages:
Chevrolet V8 Conversions:
Jim Biondo's Custom V8 260Z
Dick Goodman's V8 Powered '62 Ferarri GTO 250 replica (photos)
Mike Kelly's V8 Z photos
Paul Ruschman's 280Z / V8 Project
Paul Ruschman's 280Z / V8 Pics
Brain (Holdeman's) Garage
Preston & Rosie's Z Car Home Page
THE Carpenter's V8-Z Race Car
Madman Adams Z Transformation - 1972 240 Z V8
Béla P. Havasréti's 570Z
Henry Costanzo's novel V8 Cooling fixFord V8 Conversions:
Race Car Modifications for the Datsun 240Z including information for a Ford V-8 Conversion, by Terry Oxandale
One mean Ford 302 V8 powered Datsun 240z
Other Cool Z Sites
Eric Neyerlin's Z Parts Site - High quality site with hard to find parts, great feature cars, extensive Z tech info
Simon's - Great looking site with some nicely engineered modifications
Other Cool Swap Links
Little Cars with Big Engines
Cheetahs (Chevy Small Block in a sports racer)
Parts Suppliers
SEMA Online's Aftermarket Supplier Links - A Comprehensive set of Automotive Aftermarket Links, with search engine
JEGS - Large Aftermarket High Performance Mail Order Outfit (mostly American Car stuff)
Summit Racing - Large Aftermarket High Performance Mail Order Outfit (mostly American Car stuff)
S&W Race Cars - Roll bars and Cages (they have 8 and 10 point cages for the 240Z)
Ceram-Kote - Ceramic Coatings materials supplier
Jags That Run - Datsun Z V8 Conversion Manual and Conversion Parts
Stewart Components - High Performance Water Pumps, Lock Resistant Brake System
Dark Horse Performance - Mustang Goodies and Tremec 5spd for GM bolt-in
Fortes - Tremec 5spd GM bolt-in, other V8 stuff
Classic Tube - Stainless Steel hard brake lines
Russell Performance - Speed Bleeders
Stainless Steel Brakes - Adjustable Brake Proportioning Valve
Pegasus Auto Racing Supplies
KVR - Carbon/Kevlar Street Brake Pads
Dr. Gas - Exhaust Crossover X-pipe
Courtesy Nissan - OE Nissan parts at 25% off list
De-Rusting Tech
Driveline Angles and Phasing Problems (by Driveline Specialists Inc, of Las Vegas)
Dave William's Engine Weight Chart