(Last Revised 10 July 2009)

V8 Swap Information - Engine & Transmission

This page includes hyperlinks to pages that cover different topics of my Chevy V8 and Tremec transmission swap into my 240Z. Click on the topic below to view details for that topic.

My Engine Choice - 400 Chevy Smallblock V8 (was a 327 Chevy Smallblock V8)  (last revised 10 July 2009)
My Transmission Choice - Tremec TR3550 5spd
Engine Information   (last revised 16 June 2003)
Engine Mounting & Hood latch  (last revised 8 November 2001)
Engine weight
Cooling  (last revised 7 June 2002)
Tremec TR3550 5 spd Installation Notes  (last revised 8 November 2001)
If you have questions, comments or suggestions, email me at pparaska "at" verizon.net

Copyright 2003, Peter J. Paraska.  All Rights reserved by Author.  Please email me for free permission to copy.
The purpose of this site is to document what I have done to my car and why.  Your mileage may vary.  I am not responsible if you use information from this site and lose money, your livelyhood, your girl/boyfriend or your marriage, or you maim or kill yourself or others.  Use at your own risk.